Sports & Recreation
Social Entrepreneur.
Ross D. Hopkins
Baines Place,

Hi There, my name is Ross and I am interested in starting a local networking group for social entrepreneurs in Canberra, Australia. People from other areas or countries are also invited to contact for further correspondence.
If you are not sure, who or what a social entrepreneur is. The best way to describe us, is the opposite of a business entrepreneur. Someone who puts tha value of people & the environment before profit, for a more productive outcome. A healthy profit is still welcome, although it is put back into developing people and infrastructure, rather than personal wealth.
Perhaps a better definition can be found on the following link address;
Just copy it and paste it in your browser window.
My present focus at the moment, is to provide my services to aviators, motorcyclists & kayakers who wish to learn how to become citizen journalists and have a greater say about the world in which we live.
In a true democracy, people are encouraged to have a different perspective, opinion and point of view to the mainstream, if they so choose. That is not ridiculed or censored as soon as it is expressed because it is different to the so called majority. Citizen journalism helps to give back the confidence & power to the people. In order to hold government, business and industry, accountable for their actions, through healthy community discussion and the raising of important issues. "Media by the people and for the people"!
By trial and error, I have discovered a number of tools available on the Internet for free public use. These make establishing ones-self as a citizen journalist, relatively easy and straight forward (you just need to know where to look). The combination of these tools will allow you to create your own website, blog, vlog or photo/video classified, for whatever content you choose. including text, digital photo's and video files.
People do not fully realise, just how easy it is to upload and view video files on the net. I'm not talking about your cat and it's latest antics but what makes the world go round, real life. Even with Australia's slower Internet speeds, it is possible to easily view reasonably sized video files on most broadband Internet connections. There are also increasing numbers of free hosting sites for video files, that do not charge for storing content. Rather like youtube but with better quality viewing and less compression.
If your present connection can't handle video files then you can use the public computers at your local community library, free of charge. If you would like me to tell you how you can set up your own personal website, blog, vlog or website classified. As well as how to upload text, photo's and video files to your site. This will cost you absolutely nothing other than a bit of time and effort to do it for yourself, after I have first explained or shown you how to get started.
If you would like to learn more, then you can contact me by phone when I am in Canberra on; 02 6249 8945 (OBO). The best way to contact me though, is through my email address, as I am rarely home (
I do however charge $30 P/Hr for my time to show people how to do this in person. As I've got to earn a living some how, to enable me to continue as a citizen journo myself. So if you believe in having your say, please contact me with provided details.
By the way. If you require me to just provide digital photos & video files, then this can be done also. For people contemplating selling their recreational aircraft, motorcyle or kayak, privately on the Internet (other assets for sale will also be considered such as real estate, sailing boats etc). Helping to speed the process of sale along, with less inconvenience to the private seller. Freelance services start from just $30 P/Hr depending on equipment used.
My website for citizen Journalism can be found @
My personal digital photo/video services website can be found @
My email address is;
Phone; 02 6249 8945 (OBO). Please leave message on machine if not answered personally.
Email, is probably the best way to get hold of me as I like to get around and I don't believe in mobile phones.
My website has plenty more info about me to fill in the gaps. So you are more than welcome to take a look and I welcome any constructive critisizm.
Ross D. Hopkins
Citizen Journo for Social & Environmental Change as well as Adventure Asset Classifieds.
Products and/or Services
A service to help people create their own personal website, blog, vlog or website classified/video classified for citizen journalism. While also providing digital photos/video for private classifieds on the Internet.
Trading Hours
9am-5pm Monday to Friday, excluding weekends and public holidays.